“..That’s what your wife would tell you when you look at your purchase. That moment will forever be etched in the memory of your kids.. when their dad was much more than a hero to them..”, he could see that the audience was positively titillated. The faint projector light could not hide the glimmer of their eyes. Bonuses, yacht on open waters, corner office, partner, thought leader, VIP parking, long iron shot, caviar on rye, billionaire book club, cross fit with influencers.. these thoughts flashed past his mind as he paused.. and now the punch..”Hairo – because you only live once… or so we thought”. The lights came on, the managers rose and collectively exhaled- we might have just witnessed the messiah. One of them came up to him, placed her shivering hands on his and silently expressed to him her appreciation. Gleefully he accepted her gesture.
He groaned when he searched for words. Thoughts traveled at snail pace past synapses..”blubber?”….no….”Grace Kelly”… no.. that can’t be it… did I just say the word “diligence” before….oh yes.. that’s right…”proof of the pudding”.. he said to the young lady… while slapping up the remnants of the flan. She wiped off the goo from his chins. He sat there moaning… rummaging through what remained in his memories. He could remember things that happened but not exactly.. may be he did swim in Tiber.